Why We Bill Insurance For Transports
To meet the heavy emergency call volume, we have a combination of paid and volunteer Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Our satellite station is staffed 0600-1800 daily. Whitehouse Rescue Squad pays for supplemental staff to pick up the voids when many volunteers are at work. The paid staff's salaries are partially funded by the proceeds from billing insurance for patient transports
In addition, there are ever increasing operational costs that some may not consider like insurance, fuel, supplies, equipment, uniforms, ambulance & rescue trucks, fleet maintenance, utilities and building repairs. Financial support from the municipalities that WHRS serves, fund drives and private donations are not enough to cover all operation expenses. Billing insurance for patient transports makes up the difference. Currently, we are one of 7 Hunterdon County rescue squads with similar insurance reimbursement programs.
If you are a patient that has a question about a bill, please contact our billing agency at 908-479-4921.
Records Request / Release of Protected Health Information (PHI) for Patients and Law Offices, etc.
1.All requests for PHI or any PCR information will be made through the Deputy Chief of EMS. Requests other than routine disclosures, state or federally mandated information releases, or other releases mandated by law will not require any other type of consent by the patient or the patient’s legal guardian.
2.Any other record release or request for amendments to PHI shall be made utilizing the proper forms as provided. Approvals or denials for release of records or amendments to records will be post-marked within 30 business days if held by us or 60 business days if held by another agency of the original written request.
3.Any approvals or denials for release of information, amendments to patient care records, or restrictions on PCR’s will be based on accepted interpretation of the HIPAA rule.
Please use the HIPAA Privacy Authorization / Patient Request for Access Form to request a copy of a patient’s PHI or to amend a patient’s PHI. (contact the HIPPA Privacy Officer for form).
HIPPA Compliance Officer/Records Request: Deputy Chief of EMS
Send requests to:
Whitehouse Rescue Squad, Attn: Records Request, PO Box 175, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
There are fees incurred for this information. The Deputy Chief will advise you on the fee due. No records will be released until full payment is made.